Since we are well into Spring, 2016, it is good that some of the pollen is subsiding and the flower, tree, and plant life is beginning to “kick in” to full bloom with “Natural Boldness.” Hopefully, the Spring allergies that affect many of us out there will begin to dwindle soon!
And speaking of Spring, according to the legendary, the Vernal Equinox (Spring) occurred on March 19th at 12:01: AM. So, we can surmise that the month of May has brought Spring into “full swing” here on the East Coast of the United States.
Alas, Summer is only a month away, I can enjoy the waning time of Spring with less allergies. **Achoo! Achoo!** Snortle**
It seems that the multitude of rainy days I have lived through this month of May has helped knock down the amount of pollen that has been irritating to the sinuses and causing coughs.
That being said, in terms of changing my web site look and feel, I decided to let my “snappy” Saint Patrick’s Day design rest for another long year. I put my web design skills to good use by integrating a nice sunny web site theme going with trees in full growth at this point in the year! There is no need for gloomy cold or rain theme, so I decided to stick with a bright, happier feel to get the Spring Warmth feeling going.
Well, enjoy your Spring Season if you live in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth and live where the Vernal Equinox directly affects you! 🙂
Thank’s for “clicking in” and checking out my Spring themed site!
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