St. Patrick’s Day animations just in time for March 17th

Irish Hat

Slainte!! I have published a new St. Patrick’s Day Anifav (Animated Favorite Icon) to my site just in time for today (March 17th) along with a few animations related to Saint Patrick’s Day phrases like “Slainte”, “Luck of the Irish,” “Erin Go Bragh,” (Ireland Forever), etc.

There are four Saint Patrick’s Day and Irish related themes/animations broken down as frame by frame screenshots below with a small description!

I have added the animations right below each screenshot of the frame by frame animation sequence!




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1. HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY (Excuse the missing apostrophe in the Actual Animation):




Animation for HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY: Happy St_Patricks_Day Animation



2.  Slainte  (A word of Irish origin meaning “Health”):



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Animation for Slainte: Slainte Animation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3. Luck of the Irish                                                                                                                                                                                                       

(A very straightforward phrase. However,  a Pot O’ Gold appears at the end of the animation):



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Animation for  Luck of the Irish:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4. Erin Go Bragh (English Version of the phrase, “Ireland Forever”):


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Animation for Erin Go Bragh:  Erin Go Bragh Animation



Enjoy my unique animations and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from E of C (Elements of!!

Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C Happy Saint Patricks Day from E of C




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