About E of C
This website (ElementsofColdfusion.net) has been upgraded by me to showcase many of my web & graphic, Adobe flash as well as other design skills with the help of WordPress templates and other goodies like PHP/CSS3/HTML5 code. As for general questions about the site, listed below is a Q & A about the origination of the name of my web site as well as the reason for having it.
Noticing a new phenomena dealing with web site design and development termed “UI Novelty” and trying to define it was also something I found challenging as well.
Q & A
Question: What do you have in store for us in 2018 and beyond?
Answer: A new addition is the Interesting Tidbits About page. I bring some interesting insights about things to the forefront! I would say, I will keep tweaking my site with new themes as holidays come up. I tend to change the look and feel, accordingly. I plan to add some more unique UI designs and other cool designs and work to my site in 2018. I am currentyl looking at some of Amazon.com’s innovative products to help me be more efficient. I think having a nice place to park my smartphone — within arm’s length — while working is good. I recommend checking out these pages for gadgets and other items to buy: Shop Amazon Exclusives-Unique Products.
Question: What is the reason for the name of the site being called ElementsofColdfusion.net?
Answer: It was originally going to be a web site whose focus and theme was going to be about general programming using Adobe Coldfusion based on a class I took in college.
Needless to say I didn’t take the web site in that direction!
Question: What is your web site trying to showcase or communicate to the World Wide Web aka “The Internet.”
Answer: Blogs about animation or other cool visual/design themes that I think I can help or potentially entertain people with! And to highlight my own creative talents like frame by frame animation, web design/development, graphics and images and other helpful tips/insights on animation or design.I might try to integrate mobile UI design aspects sometime in the future.
Question: Where do you see this site in five years?
Answer: Coming up with new way to define what I see from a web designer and developer like the one I coined called “UI Novelty” is challenging, but unique take on web trends. Creating new novel things like “You Rock” & “You Rock and Roll” animations. Also, adding more holiday themed animations using Flash or HTML5 as well as creating some more unique icon concepts like my SMIHs (Social Media Icon Houses) Version 1.0. I also look forward to working with HTML5/CSS 3 conversion technologies that are available with Adobe Edge, Beta. Adobe Edge that is currently a software in Adobe Labs that is in Beta mode at this point (Early 2012).
I think I will try to add more cool content to bring more fans to check out my work, especially from a UI perspective with web and mobile.
Since I now have a mobile version of Elements of Coldfusion thanks to a WordPress plugin called WPTouch, I would say that has been a small, but cool development for smartphone users who may want to check out my site.
Question: Speaking of WordPress and HTML5, where do you see the trends in web development and design?
Answer: Well, from a web site design side of things, “responsive design” is a big topic right now. Responsive design is based on the idea of being able to port that web design over to over devices like tablets and smartphones with different screen size. WordPress actually allows developers to download templates that have all the mechanisms/code that will help facilitate responsive design within them when viewed in different web browsers.
The great thing about WordPress CMS is it allows you to upload themes and preview them. If a particular theme looks good in “preview”, it can be “activated” for the whole world to see.
In terms of frameworks for developers, PhoneGap (now Adobe PhoneGap ® Build ™) seems to becoming really popular for those that are used to developing really successful web sites using HTMl5, CSS3, JQuery mobile, etc. Basically, PhoneGap allows you to develop a mobile formatted site using all the Javascript and CSS3 necessary to port a consistent look and feel across any smartphone platform like Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, iPhone, etc.
Question: Who are some of your favorite web sites or favorite UI gurus?
Answer: I would say Jakob Nielsen and what he has done to communicate good usability and design through the years as well as his critiques regarding how sectors like commercial and government design and focus on usability when it comes to the web. I think the lack of images on his site, Useit.com says a lot about his take on visual content and his focus on communication through text.
I like to check out SmashingMagazine.com and YouTube for their ability as a medium to help others learn, and stay up to date.
A special thanks for “clicking in” and checking out my “about” page.
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