This web page includes my static design samples like manuals, mini magazines, newsletters, fliers and other forms of print media. I have added a few research/term papers I wrote for my graduate class on Information Systems.
The two screenshots below are examples of some of the web work I did for
Below are screen shots for some of my writing samples as well as the corresponding links to view them. My manual for a hypothetical software called “Flash Fetch” contains a hyperlink to click on below.
Flash Fetch Software Manual (197 KB)
Listed below are two papers I wrote in 2012 for my graduate school class. They focus on topics relating to Information Systems and emerging technologies. One is a Term Paper on Mobile Computing and Social Networking and one is a research paper on the current 3G and 4G mobile wireless technologies available as well as the mobile carriers that are involved in mobile wireless communication.
Term Paper: Mobile Computing and Social Networks (131 KB)
Research Paper: 4G Wireless Networks (133 KB)
Included on this site are samples of my mini magazine called “MIT Media Lab Monthly” featuring the work of famous commercial logo artist, Paul Rand. It is a Quark express file converted to PDF using an .EPS file extension save.
Disclaimer: The “MIT Media Lab Monthly” interview is not a real interview or a real publication, but in fact just a college assignment that included interesting information on the logos that Paul Rand did over the course of his lifetime and well as his styles and design techniques that he talked about while visiting MIT’s Media Center during the last few years of his life.
There is also a PDF titled “Biodiesel PSA” that I did as part of a college project in 2005 posted below.
Quark Express Magazine Sample PAUL RAND 2005 (106 KB)
Biodiesel PSA 2005 — College Sample (57 KB)
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